Posted by: bizbrev | June 26, 2012

The Power of Less

Leo Babauta

Only a few years ago, Leo was in debt, overweight, stressed at work, smoking and not healthy at all. Something changed his life totally. The secret was simplicity, first finding out what is really necessary and then eliminate the rest.

Part one describes six principles of power of less such as setting limitations, choosing the essentials, simplification, focus, creating habits and starting small.
We are human beings, not computers. Forget multi tasking and focus one goal in order to achieve it. Then, create new habit, only one per month. And you may want to start small. If your goal is waking early, wake up fifteen minutes earlier rather than trying to wake up one hour earlier. By doing this, you can make new habit with confidence and eventually it grows to have big enough impact on your life.

It may help you to limit your task three Most Important Tasks. As a result you can focus on these tasks and are able to immerse yourself in “flow” that increase productivity.
Even one new habit per month stacks up to twelve habits at the end of the year that sounds not bad. You can start small by checking Leo’s blog Zen Habits at www.

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