Posted by: bizbrev | June 9, 2012

The Business of Being the Best

Molly Fletcher

As a top-rated sports agent, Molly knew why the best do what they do and how they do it. The people who achieve these fears value hard work, are constantly fine-tuning their skills and recover from adversity quickly.

What they have common is two minutes memory: two minutes to celebrate and two minutes to dwell. How you handle success and failure can often be more important than the actual result.

Another skill important is negotiation. Negotiation can give you an opportunity. There are four things to remember when you negotiate: trust your instinct, take on the responsibility, stay focused and handle the details of negotiation. This skill can be learned and developed.

Other things must be considered are communication with sharing ideas, being likeable, giving back and leading by inspiring.

Although this book applies analysis of top athletes to business, it could be applied not only to artists but also to politicians. At the end of the day, what matters is self control.

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